ASR Group

ASR Group (owner of Domino Sugar) wanted to show people that sugar is more than sweet. Sugar is an integral part of a chef’s arsenal, and simply cannot be replaced by a zero-calorie sweetener. They also wanted to be known as more than just a white sugar supplier. With a wide variety of sugars, and knowledge in each and every one of them, they set out the create “The Scoop”: The chef and operator’s best friend when it comes to create menu appeal and meeting consumer demand.

Every month, we release an edition of The Scoop to showcase a new category and how sugar can enhance your sales within it, ensuring ASR is cementing their place as a leader in not older sugar production, but as a resource for insights and menu innovation.

“The Scoop” from ASR Group

 AD: Hannah Kennedy

Copywriter: Tim O’Brien

“Sauces” Edition


“Beyond Sweet” Edition

Other Editions -


-”Natural & Organic”

-”Housemade Beverages”